Today we had a birthday party for Sr. Helena. Sr. Helena is British but she has lived in Nigeria for over twenty years and it has become her home. Technically today is her 70th and a ½ birthday but she was in England for her real birthday.
In many ways, I enjoy the party preparations more than the celebration itself. Yesterday I helped bake the cake. Nigerian cake is sorta like pound cake with raisins, usually heart shaped, and served without frosting. Today I chopped liver and carrots and washed dishes. Those things might not sound exciting but I love hanging out in the kitchen. The best conversations take place when everyone is cooking together and we laugh a lot.
It was a fun party. SNDs came from around Nigeria and I think there were almost thirty people here. Typical of a Nigerian celebration, there were speeches and toasts in honor of the chief celebrant, lots of food, and lots of dancing. I have two left feet but that has never stopped me from dancing. The party broke up about an hour ago and we finished the cleanup. Now I am just relaxing and enjoying what is left of my weekend.
Into the Fire
14 years ago
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